
Save a displayio.Bitmap (and associated displayio.Palette) in a BMP file. Make a screenshot (the contents of a displayio.Display) and save in a BMP file.

  • Author(s): Dave Astels

Implementation Notes


Software and Dependencies:

adafruit_bitmapsaver.save_pixels(file_or_filename, pixel_source=<sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject object>, palette=None)

Save pixels to a 24 bit per pixel BMP file. If pixel_source if a displayio.Bitmap, save it’s pixels through palette. If it’s a displayio.Display, a palette isn’t required.

  • file_or_filename – either the file to save to, or it’s absolute name
  • pixel_source – the Bitmap or Display to save
  • palette – the Palette to use for looking up colors in the bitmap